GreenSky Creations
Incubated by IntuitiveX
A psychoactive IP creation and monetization company focused on inventing the future of human psychoactive interactions
Green Sky Creations is a portfolio company of IntuitiveX functioning as an internal IP creation and monetization engine which, through its internal collections of world renowned medical and scientific professionals, IP experts and patent attorneys, aims to be on the leading edge of
psychoactive innovation. As such, the issuance of the new patent is the first of many opportunities to help spearhead and catalyze breakthroughs within this arena. The company has already received multiple other patent issuances with others expected soon.

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The problem
Anterior lumbar spine surgery provides the preferred access for many fusion cases. But reaching multiple spinal levels often requires either long incisions on the patient’s abdomen, or a time-consuming and costly change in the patient’s position on the table during surgery.
Our solution
Blending a novel technique and implant with traditional and time-tested access, NovApproach Spine’s patent-pending anterior approach uniquely enables the surgeon to reach all lumbar spinal levels without a long incision or changing the patient’s position on the table. The technique is readily appreciated, adopted and covered under current reimbursement policy. Highly versatile implants in development will complement this technique, as well as conventional approaches, in even the most challenging cases.
The market
Total Available Global Market Spine:
  • $9.3 Billion
Serviceable Available Market (first product):
  • $1.4 Billion
Beachhead Market:
  • $629 Million
The team
Founder & CEO: Raymond Cloutier
COO: Ron Green
Clinical Advisor: Dr. Michael MacMillan
Technical and Regulatory Advisor: Dawn Lissy
Sales & Marketing Advisor: Michael Wefers
Business Advisor: Ross Sylvia
Technical and Business Advisor: Andy Choi
Medical Advisor: Jeff Roh, MD