
An interview with Reynold Yardy, CEO of the Recovery Platform

In this interview, IntuitiveX shares the story of a life science entrepreneur who — in response to COVID-19 — is pivoting his company in a way that helps the clinical community overcome challenges they are facing related to COVID testing management software and telemedicine. Reynold Yordy’s new platform allows patients to schedule virtual visits online with their current physicians since face to face visits are a challenge in a time of social distancing. 

Introducing Reynold Yordy
Reynold Yordy is the CoFounder of The Recover Platform, which breaks down patient access barriers by enabling individuals to receive the majority of their treatment in a virtual model, eliminating the need for travel. It also supports multidisciplinary care teams working together to provide the highest quality Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) programs to their patients

Reynold and his family have been involved with Restore Haiti as team members and donors since 2008. Since then he, has wife, and their daughter have traveled to Haiti nearly 10 times. Reynold has been volunteering in technology projects we have been doing, starting with the Jacmel computer lab, and more recently with helping to manage and troubleshoot the donor software, reporting, and Restore Haiti’s website. With a keen insight into our donor data and trending, Reynold was added to the Board of Directors in the fall of 2014. He has taken on the challenge of our development (fundraising) department and is currently working on strategies in this area, as well as continuing to work through our long list of technology needs. Reynold is an entrepreneurial IT professional with experience building businesses and raising capital. He has a Bachelors in Mathematics from Taylor University as well as a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics / Operations Research from Purdue.
1. What did your company do prior to COVID-19? 
Our company was focused on delivering software and clinical services to serve patients suffering from Opioid Use Disorder. 
2. What does your company do now in response to COVID-19? 
We have created two offerings to help the clinical community with the current challenges they are facing:
  • Drive thru COVID testing management software
  • FREE Telemedicine solution allowing patients to schedule virtual visits online with their current physicians since face to face visits are a challenge in a time of social distancing. 
3. When did you decide it was time to make the decision to pivot? 
On March 20th, we were approached by multiple entities about the evolving needs of healthcare and we made the decision to contribute solutions to these challenges. 
4. How has your business model, target market, or execution strategy changed as a result?
Temporarily we are focused on enabling as many clinicians as possible to have access to telemedicine technology at no cost so that they can at least provision services to a portion of the patients they were previously scheduled to provide services to. 
The target market is broader than our typical market as we are addressing any physicians whose specialty allows them to provide services via telemedicine. 
Execution is now focused on iterating through daily learnings from initial clients on how we can get provide a scalable easy to use solution to a broader audience. 
5. What problem were you initially trying to solve (and if you pivoted), what problem did you eventually solve? and why? 
In the world of medication assisted treatment costs are out of control with a lack of promising outcomes. Our goal is to control the costs while improving outcomes and it has proven successful in an initial pilot study. 
Our new solution has been to expand access to physicians lacking the necessary technology to provide telemedicine services to their patients. In less than a week from launch we had already seen nearly 20 hours of virtual visits had occurred within the system. 
6. What does your company do? 
We leverage our Meaningful Use certified EHR technology to rapidly create new solutions which either improve efficiencies or create new and disruptive approaches to long-standing healthcare challenges. 
7. What were some accomplishments from your company? 
We were able to deploy a simple to use telemedicine application for both doctors and patients within 10 days of beginning our efforts
We have assisted the North Carolina Medical Society on educating their 1,000’s of member doctors on how to leverage telehealth. 
8. What were some pitfalls that you did not expect to come across and how did you move past them?
We did not explain expect the entities that were in need of solutions would be so overwhelmed that they didn’t have time to talk about potential solutions. 
We also didn’t expect lab testing for COVID-19 to be so backed up that mass screening would not be highly utilized. 

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About IntuitiveX: As a premier life sciences incubator and consultancy, IntuitiveX is always in search of founders and entrepreneurs who push the boundaries of what is possible within medical research and technology. IntuitiveX is a life science consulting firm and incubator. With a team comprised of life science entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators, they bring a combined 100+ years of experience in R&D, Clinical, Surgical, IP Strategy, Prototyping, Product Development, and Commercialization. They catalyze medical innovation by removing the complexities, cost barriers, and time sensitivities related to introducing new products into the market. From initial concept to final commercialization, IntuitiveX has the in-house knowledge and network to meet the unique needs of the most innovative life science companies in the world. We’ve currently incubated more than 12+ portfolio companies and are always in search of more.

About the Recovery Platform: The Recovery Platform offers a collaborative care platform that supports multidisciplinary care teams working together to provide the highest quality Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) programs to their patients. At its core, TRP tracks patient engagement and compliance with constant communication and the tracking of required activities. TRPs “Virtual Based Opioid Treatment” (VBOT) model establishes and manages a comprehensive program from supporting referrals through treatment and into Aftercare.
2020-05-08 22:02